Let me tell you how do I compose a post on my blog. PART 1

Hi friends welcome to this post. In this post, we'll  about how I will compose a post on my blog.

It's not a simple way. It contains many steps to publish a blog post.
It will be interesting to know about how I will publish a post on blog. So let's go...

1.Saving ideas

In any moment I can get the idea of a blog post... I can't immediately write and publish the post..
So I will take a note on my notebook (Title and the content).

2.Tasks,remainders and plans

When Saturday is coming, I will note a task and reminder for the post 

3.Edition on a notebook

After doing plans, I will write the post in my blog diary.. I thought writing and editing in a diary is easier than editing in a PC... I have given my blog diary video below 

Guys have you seen that video?...
This diary is given by my aunt Indu.
I feel that when editing in a diary, it allows me to write patiently and creatively 

4.Composing on PC.

After writing in diary, I will start typing in my PC
When typing, I will add some additional points somehow, it will be different from the diary.
Then after finishing typing, I will put it on draft.. and will continue the next steps.

Leave a comment in the comment box to see the next steps bye friends.


  1. that is a hard work for publishing a post on blog...hard work never fails

  2. More steps coming soon in the second part. If you are interested to read that, leave a comment.


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